Under Rug

The under rug made of soft polyester with Passier lettering on the border has a cozy warm lining. In order to effectively avoid any rubbed patches in the chest area, smooth polyester taffeta has been integrated into the front of the rug. An inner woven fur insert protects the sensitive withers. The rug has a Velcro fastening at the front and a practical closure with a swivel hook above it. It can be washed at 30°C. The under rug fits perfectly under every rug and remains perfectly in place: In other words, the slightly roughened outer fabric ensures the horse rug positioned over the under rug remains securely in position. The under rug is thus an ideal addition for the cold season.


Smooth quilted polyester with cotton wool filling


Velcro fastening at the front and a practical closure with a swivel hook, a woven fur insert at the withers, Passier border


150 g filling


S: 125 cm, M: 135 cm, L: 145 cm, XL: 155 cm, XXL: 165 cm



Art. no. 582